Volunteer Opportunities
The CCO can use support of all kinds -- including your time and talents. And volunteering can be a great way to get free concert tickets too! Below are some volunteer opportunities. If you'd like to help out, but don't see a good fit for your skills, let us know. We're happy to find a project for you.
- Advertising Representative -- Coordinate sales of program ads. Coordinate with other local arts groups to trade advertising space in each others' programs.
- Committee Member -- Our Marketing and Fundraising committees can always benefit from an infusion of new energy. If you have great ideas about how to promote and grow the CCO, you'd make an excellent committee member. Meetings are only held a couple times per year, in the evenings.
- Fundraising Coordinator -- Oversee our fundraising efforts, which have included Entertainment Book sales, Boston Store Community Days booklet sales, annual appeal, and special events.
- Group Sales Manager -- Identify and pursue group ticket sales opportunities. This may include, but are not limited to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, music teachers, etc.
- Instrument Mover -- Loading and unloading percussion instruments before and after concerts.
- Library Coordinator -- Organize our music files, pull and replace music before and after concerts.
- Networker -- Make contact with local businesses to build our network and help promote CCO concerts.
- Stage Manager -- Arrive before the concert, organize seating and other on-stage details.
- Usher -- Arrive before the concert, assist with set up, help seat audience members.